Dieu bénisse les gilets jaunes

God bless the yellow vests

For they serve us all  [click pics to enlarge]

The French are turning up in their thousands and hundreds of thousands. They’ve had enough of the aloof, out-of-touch President Macron, his electricity and gas price increases and they disbelieve the climate scare, so when he hiked fuel prices the people finally took to the streets.

In towns and cities across the nation they don their ‘gilets jaunes’, join orderly assemblies, listen to speeches and march through the community in solidarity against an increasingly alienated President Macron.

Our own government is heading down the same road. Let us hope some of Jacinda’s socialist gang note this outstanding failure of French leadership and avoid repeating it.

The protesters’ courage has done us here in New Zealand a huge favour, showing any boneheaded leader the presence in the modern society of lawlessness. Claire Trevett was moved to opine comically in this morning’s Herald: “New Zealanders are more prone to mumbling into their Milo than hurling flaming torches on the streets.” Perhaps she was hoping we’d read it and have second thoughts.

But eventually even we get riled up.

Views: 206

6 Thoughts on “Dieu bénisse les gilets jaunes

  1. Barry Brill on 07/12/2018 at 7:12 pm said:

    That’s a lot of anti-green protesters!

    But how many green delegates does it take to decarbonise a light bulb?

    “The Australian” reports a few figures from the 2-week long Katowice party, where 22,771 people have turned up, including 13,898 voting delegates and 1,541 journalists. All but a handful have travelled by jet planes (some private).

    Guinea tops the list with 406 delegates. DR Congo has 237, Ivory Coast has 208 (half of last year) and Indonesia 191. Kyrgyzstan sent an all-female team of 7, while neighbouring Tajikistan has an all-male group of 10.

    The conference is scheduled to be in session for 112 hours, so each delegate can only be given one opportunity to say his/her piece, for an average of just under 30 seconds each. This is not a great decision-making model – especially when the issues are complex and all decisions must be made by consensus.

    Who is paying for all this? (The only time I’ve been a delegate to a multi-week UN Conference – ILO in Geneva, 2003 – the UN picked up all the attendance costs.)

  2. Andy on 08/12/2018 at 8:42 am said:

    This is much more than anti green protests
    It’s really the people showing their displeasure at the arrogant elites who run the EU and all it’s associated systems

    I’m currently in Britain and things are very tense here over Brexit
    If the leavers get betrayed by a cancellation of Brexit then the UK could easily spill into violence too

    I really hope in all my heart that this doesn’t happen. Violence never has a good outcome

    Peace be with you


  3. Richard Treadgold on 08/12/2018 at 9:52 am said:

    With widespread compassionate instincts such as yours we will be saved.

    And peace be with you.

  4. Barry Brill on 10/12/2018 at 12:22 pm said:

    Forbes Magazine has an article: “Paris is burning over climate change taxes – will America be next?” http://tinyurl.com/yaqfqzyr

    “That’s what a United Nations special climate report calls for in 12 years, with a carbon tax of $5,500 per ton—equal to $49 per gallon of gasoline or diesel. That’s about 100 times today’s average state and federal motor fuels tax in the USA.

    By 2100, the U.N. estimates that a carbon tax of $27,000 per ton is needed—$240 per gallon—to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

    Of course, that isn’t going to happen. The economic wreckage of such a punitive tax would plunge the global economy into a permanent depression—and that’s assuming politicians could enact such huge tax increases over the will of their voters.

    Keep in mind that the unrest in France was triggered by a looming 25-cent hike, which is a little less than 10% more in taxes than French drivers already pay. To meet the $49 per gallon tax hike recommended by the U.N., fuel taxes in France would have to go up 17-fold.”

  5. Barry Brill on 10/12/2018 at 8:21 pm said:

    From the Ministry for the Environment’s Consultation Document on the proposed Zero Carbon Bill:

    (P27) ” NZIER estimates an annual average emissions price in the range of $272 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) if we see innovation across energy, transport and agriculture, or $845 per tonne of CO2-e if we expect innovation only in energy and transport”.

    So, if somebody comes up with a cost-free and wholly effective methane vaccine quite soon, New Zealand motorists will save a lot of money. However, there is no evidence at all that this is likely to happen.

    (P32) “A litre of petrol produces 2.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide. This means the price of a litre of petrol at the pump could increase by about 23 cents for every $100 per tonne of CO2-e.”

    We can look forward to Government-directed petrol price increases of at least 63 cents per litre. But the more likely figure is an extra $1.94 per litre. And this will have to be quite soon, if we are to get on to the approved “pathway”.

    However, our Government also has its “let them eat cake” solution.
    (P32) “ This increase in petrol prices could result in some households deciding to replace their petrol car with an electric vehicle, which would cost less to run.”

    Les gilets jaunes just don’t know when they are well off!

  6. Mike.Jowsey on 12/12/2018 at 4:41 pm said:

    “Let us hope some of Jacinda’s socialist gang note this outstanding failure”

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