Developments under way

Just to let you all know I’m still around but a bit busy and still eager to save the world.

There have been exciting developments in climate science, with many new confirmations that human activity is not dangerous but it’s taking politicians a very long time to get it.

The country’s democracy is being torn apart by the government’s constitutional vandalism but people are waking up to it. Some other democracies are being challenged too.

More later. Good luck.

Views: 448

18 Thoughts on “Developments under way

  1. Rickoshay on 12/09/2022 at 12:37 pm said:

    Save the planet, save the country, its easy, just get rid of all the neo-lib knobs that think they know what’s best for all the rest of us.
    Cheap oil, cheap electricity, low taxs, encourage industry and private business, you know what Trump did.

  2. Tricky Dicky on 21/09/2022 at 7:47 pm said:

    Let’s not kid ourselves. An international study by Italian researchers has shown there is no climate emergency. Heard about it? No, of course you haven’t. All you have heard is Antonio Guterres at the summit in New York declaring that the world is on fire. Most of the Pacific Ocean has cooled since 1993, Gebbie and Huybers and a separate paper by Lioa, Zhan, Wang, Liu and Hoteit. Heard about it? No, of course you haven’t. Quietest Atlantic hurricane season in years. Heard about it? No, of course you haven’t. There were only 4 major Atlantic hurricanes made landfall in continental US during Obama’s entire presidency. Heard about it? No, of course you haven’t. South China Sea has not warmed in the last 40 years. Heard about it? No, of course you haven’t. I could go on and on.
    Don’t think for one minute that any ground breaking research that in any way refutes man made climate change will make it out of the shadows. Over the past 5 years there have been literally thousands of scientific papers, peer reviewed and published, that cast real doubt on man made climate change and yet not one has made it to the main stream media. Things will not change.

    • John Power on 27/09/2022 at 11:30 am said:

      Nothing lasts for ever, TD. Why do you say, “Things will not change”?

    • Tricky Dicky on 01/10/2022 at 1:40 pm said:

      Hi John,
      “Things will not change” is in reference to main stream media and the overwhelming climate change narrative. Even if a team of internationally renowned climate scientists came up with a definitive paper debunking man made climate change, you would never hear about it unless you went looking for it. The Italian research paper showing no climate emergency has never made it to MSM. All we are hearing about is hurricane Ian – the worst ever storm to hit Florida, NOT. There is too much money and political power invested in AGW. Over the last 10 years or so there have been a least a couple of thousand papers written and published that cast real doubt on AGW, but none of them have made it to the MSM. All we will see are predictions of disaster and we only have 10 minutes, or 10 weeks, or 10 months, or 10 years to save the planet depending on which flavor of alarmist bollocks we are being fed at the time.

    • Tricky Dicky on 02/10/2022 at 9:31 am said:

      Hi John,
      Right on cue:
      Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary for Global Communications at the United Nations at the WEF ‘Disinformation’ event: “We partnered with Google,” said Fleming, adding, “for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. So we’re becoming much more proactive. WE OWN THE SCIENCE, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”
      Ministry of Truth anyone? Good luck if you think the actual truth will surface anywhere anytime soon.

    • Tricky Dicky on 02/10/2022 at 1:58 pm said:

      And just when we thought we had heard it all from the pulpit of truth, Jacinda Ardern goes full on 1984 about climate change. At her speech to the UN last week, she called for a global ministry of truth. Essentially, she called for freedom of speech, but only for people who agree with her, only for people who support the climate change agenda. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom & no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.” To paraphrase Ardern, you can have any opinion you like provided it’s the same as hers. Free speech should never be used to promote violence, but according to Ardern, free speech is a weapon of war. In reality, free speech is the enemy of tyrants. We must make certain we protect it at all costs and Ardern and her cohorts can go to hell if they think we will all go quietly down the path to tyranny, exploitation and oppression. But you will be waiting until hell freezes over if you think we will see any change in the main stream climate change sophistry.

    • Tricky Dicky on 05/10/2022 at 8:58 am said:

      In a letter released Tuesday 4th October, climate advocacy groups asked companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, TikTok and Pinterest Inc., to disclose more about how they handle “climate disinformation.” Specifically, the letter calls on the companies to report this content category under Europe’s new Digital Services Act, which tracks how platforms moderate illegal and harmful media, imposing fines if they don’t meet certain criteria. In other words, any information, including well documented science, that disputes man made climate change , will be classed as harmful and illegal and social media companies will be fined for allowing it to be published.
      “Social media companies bear responsibility for their role in amplifying and perpetuating climate disinformation but transparency, that would quantify the exact extent, has been lacking from all platforms,” the groups wrote. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and 12 other environmental and public advocacy groups signed the letter.
      The message is clear. Only climate lies and disinformation that supports the narrative will be allowed. Best of luck getting any other message out there. Big Brother is watching you

    • John Power on 10/10/2022 at 11:52 am said:

      Hi Tricky Dicky,

      Re: ‘“Things will not change” is in reference to main stream media and the overwhelming climate change narrative…..

      OK. I was just curious to know what you meant by it, as it seemed like a new departure right at the end of your comment and so I wondered where your thinking was going with it. Thanks for explaining.

      I heartily concur with your observation that we are being fed a diet of ‘alarmist bollocks’ by the MSM. Clearly, they are corrupt and have been for a long time. I do think they are changing though – for the worse!

      Re: Melissa Fleming’s ‘WE OWN THE SCIENCE, … (etc)’:

      No, they don’t! I think Ms Fleming needs to find out that making stuff up on computers and calling it ‘the science’ is not science in the eyes of rational-minded people; it’s pure make-believe which only the scientifically naïve and the incorrigibly stupid will accept at face value. In my view, the UN’s ‘partnering’ with Google to promote its fabricated climate-tosh at the expense of everyone else’s works is a blatant demonstration of the UN’s institutional corruption.

  3. Tricky Dicky on 24/09/2022 at 10:57 am said:

    Current events are very interesting. I can’t be called a climate change denier because I don’t deny that there are changes afoot. However, I still get labelled as such because I will not acknowledge the current carbon dioxide driven fairy tale. As the narrative goes, the modern climate change event started in the mid 19th century. Temperatures began to rise as carbon dioxide levels began to rise due to the burning of fossil fuels. The evidence revolves around not much more than this coincidence and an unwavering confirmation bias – oh, and of course, money, lots of it. In this case, correlation must prove causation because there is no other explanation. But there never is another explanation if you don’t look for it, or dismiss it as the work of cranks, the uneducated and those in the pay of big oil. But, if correlation proves causation, something else started to happen at the same time in the mid 19th century, something far more potent in its ability to change climate and, in the end, precipitate a true climate emergency, if not a real climate disaster.
    The Earth’s magnetic poles began a slow wander, after thousands of years of relative stability. Since then, the pace of this movement has accelerated. The north magnetic pole has left Canada, passed the geographic north pole and is now accelerating towards Siberia. The south magnetic pole left the confines of Antarctica around 1986 and now appears to be heading in the general direction of the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australia. At the same time, the overall magnetic field strength has fallen. Again, this reduction started at the same time. It started relatively slowly, as did the pole movements, but the acceleration of field strength reduction has pretty much kept pace with the acceleration of the movement. As you would expect, both are clearly linked. There have been a number of geomagnetic excursions in the past. This is where the magnetic poles move up to 45 degrees, but do not completely flip. These excursions are not permanent, but may last from a few thousand to some tens of thousands of years. They are usually accompanied by a loss of field strength up to 20% of normal.

    A simplified breakdown of past magnetic excursions on Earth would be.

    Approximate No. of years ago Magnetic excursion
    12,000 Gothenburg
    24,000 Lake Mungo
    35 – 37,000 Mono Lake
    40 – 47,000 Laschamp
    60,000 Vostok/Greenland
    72,000 Toba

    All these excursions had varying affects on the flora and fauna, from global disasters to more localised problems through Eurasia, or Australia, or North America.
    There is an approximate 12,000 year cycle and Gothenburg was 12,000 years ago. This would indicate that we due for another one. The field strength started to drop at a rate of around 5% per century and that would be nothing to worry about. It has now accelerated to 5% per decade and we have exceeded the 20% total loss that is expected in a magnetic excursion. At some point during a full flip, the field strength will hit 0 and the indications are that this may be what we are about to experience.
    A study from MIT indicated that this drop still wasn’t anything to be concerned about because we were starting from a historically high field strength in the first place. However, a reasonable look at the study indicated that the research team had deliberately cherry picked a very small period of geological history – 5 million years from a data base of 100’s of millions of years – which coincided with much lower than normal field strength as their reference point. It was thought that a complete magnetic field flip would take thousands of years, but a study from Berkely University concluded that a full flip could take place in less than a human life span. The current magnetic “event” has been ongoing for just over 150 years.
    A new paper entitled “A global environmental crisis” by Cooper et al helps to document the effects of the Laschamp excursion. “The flipping of the Earth’s magnetic poles together with a drop in solar activity 42,000 years ago could have generated an apocalyptic environment that lead to the extinction of megafauna and to the end of the Neanderthals.”
    Co-author Professor Chris Turney, “Previous work found little evidence that the event had a profound impact on the planet, possibly because the focus had not been on the period during which the poles were actually shifting. Now scientists say the flip, together with a period of low solar activity, could have been behind a vast array of climatic and environmental phenomena with dramatic ramifications.”
    “It probably would have seemed like the end of days,” according to Turney

    We know what effects the lead up to this flip will have. The changing magnetic field will affect the global electrical circuit. This will seriously affect weather cells where we know these electrical currents help to generate high and low pressure systems. We know the high energy solar winds and galactic cosmic rays enter the Earth’s energy system via the magnetic poles. All these high energy charged particles are shown to destroy ozone and are now entering at completely different points on the Earth’s surface. The loss of ozone allows in greater amounts of shortwave radiation – over the last 20 years estimated at 9 times greater climate influence compared to carbon dioxide. And we know that the ozone holes are not just over the Arctic and Antarctic, but there are much bigger holes over the tropics. When the idea was first put forward that ozone was destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons accumulating at the poles, I was talking to a Doctor of Chemistry who essentially said the whole idea was “unscientific bollocks”. He then went on to explain the mechanisms of ozone generation and UV protection, but that would need another few pages. The ozone holes at the poles are about as big as they ever have been in spite of massive reductions in supposed ozone destroying chemicals. This observation and the tropical ozone holes indicate a different mechanism. In a recent paper by Qing-Bin Lu published in AIP Advances – “The results strongly indicate that both the Antarctic and tropical ozone holes must arise from an identical physical mechanism, for which the cosmic ray driven electron reaction model shows good agreement with observations. The whole year large tropical ozone hole could cause a great global concern as it can lead to increases in ground level ultraviolet radiation and affect 50% of the Earth’s surface area, which is home to approximately 50% of the world’s population.” But the UN is still focused on the fairy tale of CO2. Cosmic rays are usually modulated by the Sun’s magnetic field protecting us from the worst effects as well as our own shields. Whilst the current Oulu neutron count (used as a measure of galactic cosmic rays hitting the Earth) is not at its highest, we are still sitting in the elevated range and have been since 2007.
    The growing South Atlantic magnetic anomaly is funneling in significant amounts of energy across a broad area from South America and South Africa and this will be adding to the ozone destruction. If Cooper et al are correct, we are in for some pretty nasty times ahead including extinctions, wild weather events and serious challenges to our very existence.
    We are seeing evidence of this magnetic pole movement. Marine animals that use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate are more and more off course – mass stranding of Loggerhead Turtles on the Texas coast, whale strandings in Tasmania, whale strandings in New Zealand. But this magnetic field movement not only affects navigation, it has also been shown to disrupt feeding habits and mating and breeding cycles. As our shields drop, the lower atmosphere will be bombarded with higher and higher levels of dangerous radiation. The theory also goes that these high energy, high speed particles can affect the silica rich magma under eth Earth’s crust, leading to increased volcanic activity and earthquakes.
    Reality is that we are in for a climate and environmental disaster of far greater consequences. But there is nothing we can do about it. One commentator has given us until late 2030 to early 2040 when the full flip will happen. The difference is that the story of man made climate change gives people hope. And where there is hope, the sheep will do what they are told. Hope that if we follow the draconian measures of the UN, we might just avert a disaster. Every extreme weather event, caused by the magnetic field flip, will be blamed on climate change, providing the perfect excuse to lock down populations and control people’s lives, measures that will need to be in place when the fields do flip. The magnetic field flip offers no hope at all because there is nothing we can do about it, so the population must be kept in the dark. Man made climate change offers the perfect cover story. After all, can you imagine what would happen if the greater population knew what was really happening. This is why man made climate change must not and cannot be dis-proven under any circumstances, because the truth is more than the masses can handle.

  4. Brett Keane on 05/10/2022 at 1:39 pm said:

    Folk will do better if fully-informed and encouraged to sort problems for themselves. What we have survived by so far plus scientistic understanding. No marxist/ardernist has full-enough understanding, only properly-studied and debated Physics-based actions will work .
    We made it thus far with far less understanding. Life is tenacious.

    For starters, reverse-engineering our own milk-powder towers can provide drinking/hydroponic water from Saline when the need approaches. God did not give us such awesome minds for no reason….
    They have more connections than atoms in the Universe. I disbelieved this until I reached about 10/32nd Power out of over 10/90-or so and saw the next step and also the Light….Brett Keane, Ruawai NZ.

  5. Brett Keane on 05/10/2022 at 1:52 pm said:

    By the way, been studying Polar Wander etc starting with Erl Happ and also NASA Heliophysics, Lab; Martin Mlynczak etc., and do agree thus far….Brett

  6. Tricky Dicky on 16/10/2022 at 1:47 pm said:

    Hi all,

    A couple of days ago, a very good friend of mine, who happens to be a biologist, got a phone call from a person from the ministry of health about his next COVID booster vaccine. He was a little more polite than I thought he would be in telling the person that there was not a snowball in hells chance of him getting another injection and that the person on the other end of the phone could stick the needle where the sun don’t shine. He is not usually one to mince words or suffer fools, be he did ask the person how they could willingly participate in this mass roll out of a dangerous, toxic and potentially lethal injection. He mentioned shades of Joseph Mengele and what ever happened to “First, do no harm.?” Turns out he had just read a paper by Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen (2022) published in the Journal of Clinical and experimental Immunology.
    Called Covid-19 vaccines – An Australian Review. It is pretty damning. Below are just a few points out of many. In spite of all the evidence that these mRNA jabs are toxic crap, this government are determined to maim, kill or incapacitate as many Kiwis as possible. I am reluctant to label this jab as population control, but the side effects, the documented issues and the way it has been rolled out under urgency indicate a far more sinister agenda behind it. In a study by Shimabukuro et al they followed 3,958 pregnant participants in the v-safe pregnancy registry. Of these only 827 (20.89%) completed their pregnancy. In the v-safe
    table the number of pregnant women registered as pregnant was 30,887 and the number registered as pregnant after vaccination with either Moderna or Pfizer vaccine was 4,804, which suggests loss of pregnancy and stillbirths in 84.45% of the pregnant women.
    In the rest of the paper we have revelations such as:
    The mRNA does not remain at the injection site and can be found in nearly all parts of the body. The mRNA can also cross the blood – brain barrier and the blood – placenta barrier. The European Medicines Agency reported that mRNA could be fund in the brain following intramuscular injection at about 2% of the levels in plasma.
    It was stated that the mRNA would degrade quickly. Normal mRNA breaks down in a few minutes to a few hours. A study by Roltgen et al shows the mRNA injection persists in the body for more than 60 days. Seneff et al show another mechanism by which the mRNA injection interferes with DNA repair.
    Singh and Singh showed that the mRNA interfered with the tumour suppression protein 53BP1 and interacted with the BRCA genes, mutations of which are implicated in breast cancer and prostate cancer.
    A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 – Beattie, K.A. (2021). An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous. Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine (
    A study by Kirsch (2021) from Denmark suggests that people who received the mRNA vaccines are up to eight times more likely to develop Omicron than those who did not. This and a later study by Kirsch (2022a) conclude that the more one vaccinates, the more one becomes susceptible to COVID-19 infection.
    Dopp and Seneff (2022). Children under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the mRNA
    vaccines than from COVID-19 if unvaccinated. Young adults in the age range of 18 to 29 are eight times more likely to die from vaccination than from COVID-19.
    Nordstroem et al (2022). 8 months after being vaccinated twice the immune functions are less than those of an unvaccinated person. Booster shots can impair immunity due to a variety of factors leading to the recommendation to discontinue further booster shoots. According to the Robert Koch Institute, booster shots lead to antibody dependent enhancement, making a person more susceptible to COVID-19.
    Unexplained deaths in Germany have been shown to be the consequence of mRNA vaccines causing an autoimmune response of CD8 T killer lymphocytes in all organ systems throughout the body. Dr Sucharit and Dr Burkhardt stated that the mRNA vaccine is killing the young and the old (
    We get an insight into what is really going on in England where the government released COVID related death data (if the death certificate mentioned COVID) and all other death data sorted by vaccination status (Figure 3). The overall death rate for the unvaccinated was 17% while for the vaccinated it was 83%. The trend seems to be an ever increasing all causes death rate with added vaccinations without getting any protection from additional injections.

    This is a brief precis of some of the contents of the paper. It goes on to list around 90 side effects ranging from annoying to lethal and goes on to discuss antibody dependent enhancement, possible prion diseases etc etc. There is much more in the paper and in much greater depth. How can we let these people get away with this???????

  7. Tricky Dicky on 18/10/2022 at 8:22 am said:

    Just so you all know that research that is contrary to the IPCC narrative just gets buried,

    Published in the peer reviewed journal Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics in 2021 and authored by 23 scientists, it casts real doubt on the IPCC climate story. Indeed, the lead author states:

    “I fear that by effectively only considering the datasets and studies that support their chosen narrative, the IPCC have seriously hampered scientific progress into genuinely understanding the causes of recent and future climate change. I am particularly disturbed by their inability to satisfactorily explain the rural temperature trends.”

    The crappy models used by the IPCC to estimate the influence of changes in total solar irradiance produce 12 separate outcomes. 6 models show changes in TSI have little to no influence on climate and 6 show a range from neutral to almost all warming caused by TSI. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the IPCC only use the 6 models that show no influence. Who’d a thunk it.

    Good luck with getting any other message out there you filthy climate deniers you. Go throw some soup at a van Gogh and see how you get on with the media.

  8. Neil Munro on 23/10/2022 at 4:56 pm said:

    Richard comments that “There have been exciting developments in climate science with many new confirmations that human activity is not dangerous but it’s taking politicians a very long time to get it”.

    Politicians in a democratic society have to take account of the beliefs of their potential voter base. Many otherwise sane voters are victims of the widespread global warming propaganda, so politicians would be wise to keep their powder dry until they were sure that the time was right to question how much human activity has on climate. Or they could copy the current government and wait until they had won the next election and then reverse the climate related legislation. They might also establish a task force to produce a report that shows how successful attempts by other nations to replace fossil fuel with solar and wind power have been.

    Those aligned to the UN IPCC and green activists are trying to hide the real developments in climate science, and thus far have been relatively successful. To get our politicians to engage and challenge the net zero decision, the skeptics amongst us need to encourage others to read books and visit websites by published skeptics.

    There are a lot of books that present the facts in easily digested form. Inconvenient Facts – The Science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know, by Gregory Wrightstone, contains sixty inconvenient facts. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change by Marc Morano is another book that I would recommend if a discussion turned to climate change. Dr Roy Spencer ( provides a monthly update of the satellite based global temperature anomaly and other interesting information. I am building a personal library of books that interest me and could be loaned to others to encourage their support for the skeptical point of view. There is a lot of excellent information available online but there is also a lot of rubbish.

    The Government plan to reduce carbon emissions to zero is increasingly likely to cause a lot more harm than the carbon emissions because;
    • the developing world will increase their emissions to meet their economic targets, and
    • the NZ government plan ignores the failure of European attempts to replace fossil fuel power generation with solar and wind power.

    If not stopped, the Government plan to reduce carbon emissions to zero will result in some very bad news. The news media seems to thrive on bad news so this is an opportunity for an investigative reporter to sound the alarm, perhaps Simon!

  9. kleinefeldmaus on 27/10/2022 at 2:03 pm said:

    And now we have James Shaw pushing this global warming – save the planet- fat tax- cow burps nonsense through parliament whilst the PM is flying around the world and now visiting Antarctica. How does all this add up ?

  10. Tricky Dicky on 04/11/2022 at 3:05 pm said:

    For many years the Centre for Disease Control in the US defined a vaccine as:
    “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
    Clearly the Pfizer jab does not meet this definition and could not be classed as a vaccine under these criteria. On July 27th 2021, the head of CDC, Rochelle Walensky, went on CNN and admitted the COVID-19 vaccines do not provide immunity – they don’t stop people from catching or transmitting Covid 19. So, in September 2021 the CDC changed its definition.
    “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
    Notice the differences in these 2 definitions. In the new version, gone are the words with very specific meanings, immunity and protecting from a specific disease. These have been replaced by a vague and very unspecific catch all phrase. In other words, a vaccine has gone from providing immunity and protection, very specific outcomes, to stimulating an immune response with no guarantee of outcome or efficacy. Or, to put it another way, under the new definition I could inject myself with dog shit and call it a vaccine, ‘cos that would definitely produce an immune response and much like the Pfizer jab, I might well die as a result.
    Rather than Pfizer providing a vaccine that met the original definition, the CDC decided to change things to suit Pfizer, losing all credibility in the process. Corruption, fraud, deception, call it what you want, but it isn’t open and it isn’t honest. We then had that complete tosser “professor” Michael Baker saying that it had never been the case that a vaccine provided immunity and protection and that the original CDC definition has never been the actual meaning of the term “vaccine.” Really? So what is the point of a vaccine????? And what is the point of Michael Baker other than a corrupt mouthpiece for a corrupt government.
    We were all assured that the jab was safe and effective. Safe? Well there is enough evidence now to show that the jab is not safe and there is the definite possibility of long term adverse health effects, many of which we haven’t seen yet.
    Effective? If it is effective, why are so many “vaccinated” people catching Covid and dying from it?
    We have been well and truly shafted by the establishment.

  11. Neil Munro on 27/11/2022 at 11:24 am said:

    The AGW activist strategy of ignoring inconvenient facts and continuing to feed the media with newsworthy fiction appears to be working. I have often wondered why the sound science provided by credible sceptics does not cause politicians to question the AGW hypothesis. Politicians do take note of the opinion of their voter base. Perhaps the majority of the voters don’t understand the skeptical criticism of AGW claims and choose the lazy option which is to accept the media propaganda at face value. Green propaganda ignores the many benefits that the use of fossil fuel has brought to the developed nations. These include improved health, longevity and quality of life. The Green target of “net zero” carbon is likely to increase the cost of living, and compromise our quality of life.
    A book written by Alex Epstein and published this year, offers a positive alternative to the Green movement dogma. The title is “FOSSIL FUTURE – Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less”. I borrowed the book from the Auckland library and was so impressed that I purchased my own copy from a local distributor.
    In the first chapter, Alex writes – quote:
    “One of the key benefits of more fossil use, I will argue, will be powering our enormous and growing ability to master climate danger whether natural or man-made—an ability that has made the average person on Earth 50 times less likely to die from a climate-related disaster than they were in the 1 degree C colder world of one hundred years ago.
    Because fossil fuel use is so vital to the world’s future, I will argue, to-day’s policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences—making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people. And even if fossil fuel elimination policies aren’t fully implemented—which they won’t be, given the expressed intent of China, Russia, and India to increase their fossil fuel use—even widespread restrictions on fossil fuel use that fall far short of elimination will shorten and inflict misery on billions of lives, especially in the poorest parts of the world” – unquote.
    In my opinion, the book delivers on both of these arguments and more. In the last chapter, Alex introduces the strategy of “Reframing the Conversation and Arguing to 100”. The current strategies employed to combat the AGW war on fossil fuels are not working, so better strategies are needed.
    Alex suggests that the best way to persuade the voting public to reject Green propaganda is to reframe the conversation to focus on the many benefits that fossil fuels have provided and can continue to provide for at least the next century.
    His website at explains various strategies that can be employed to reframe conversations. A summary of the book Fossil Future can be found on the website at “The irrefutable case for a Fossil Future”. I recommend that you read this summary.

    • Richard Treadgold on 27/11/2022 at 1:22 pm said:

      Good one, Neil, thanks.

      The overwhelming success in the human exploitation of crude oil over such a broad range of products, from replacing whale oil, firewood and the horse, to improvements in human life in all its spheres and across every metric, and the continual lengthening of the human lifespan are great and irrefutable triumphs of the scientific age.

      I’ll try to follow up your reference, though, regrettably, I suspect it’ll prove impossible in the short term. I hope to have another couple of posts up shortly. Might prevent all these comments getting mixed up, off-topic, etc. Not your fault, my fault!


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