NSW Farmers go over to dark side of climate change

Josh Gilbert, district chairman of the NSW Young Farmers (right) speaking to rural reporter Josh Becker (left). The belief that the climate is being dangerously changed by warming caused by human activities, though on careful examination unsupported by evidence, infiltrates remorselessly into all aspects of society. It will take some shifting when people wake up to it.

Climate change is back on the NSW Farmers Association agenda after a push from young farmers. Young Farmers triumphed over sceptics and complex meeting procedures to push climate change onto the agenda at the New South Wales Farmers Association annual conference. In a rejigged policy on climate, they emphasised the need to move away from fossil fuels and closer to renewables.

Source: Young farmers rewrite NSW Farmers climate change policy – ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Chairman of Young Farmers, Josh Gilbert, said he was pleased the policy now recognised that farmers would be the first to feel the impact of climate change, adding, “I guess fundamentally we got rid of some [NSW Farmers] policy that we felt was a bit outdated.”

We’ve been able to rescind that and we’ve just inserted two new motions, which means NSW Farmers can now support their members who are advocating on behalf of climate change and they can also ensure that we’re looking for alternative energy sources and how that will benefit the community in the long term.

The association’s previous policy not only questioned whether climate change had been caused by humans, but also called on the Federal Government for a Royal Commission to examine the scientific evidence, though they adopted that policy only about seven years ago.

h/t Prof Bob Carter

Views: 92

2 Thoughts on “NSW Farmers go over to dark side of climate change

  1. Andy on 20/07/2015 at 10:44 am said:

    They are probably interested in making money out of the RET wind scam.

    Fair enough, might as well milk it before the industry collapses.

  2. Andy on 20/07/2015 at 8:18 pm said:

    Speaking of the wind power scam, STT has some very useful graphs showing exactly how useless wind energy is in Aussie

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