Curiously connected temperatures

Australia and NZ are closer than we thought

Source: New Zealand hottest ever day in February 1973 arrived directly from Australian heatwave | Errors in IPCC climate science

Warwick Hughes came across the highest temperatures recorded in New Zealand and found that they occurred just as a Sydney heatwave came to an end. He comments:

Fascinating that the Australian air travelled ~2400 km over the ditch yet retained heat to make 40°C across Aotearoa. Yet pro-IPCC dogmas would not admit to UHI warmed air wafting out to the countryside to affect rural stations.

I note it’s also curious that amid apparently the “warmest global temperatures ever recorded“, New Zealand’s record high from 42 years ago still stands.

Views: 83

One Thought on “Curiously connected temperatures

  1. Sorry for the 1972 typo in my blog headline – it is of course 7 Feb 1973 when NZ saw its hottest ever day.

    [Changed. Thanks, Warwick. – RT]

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