Has your intelligence forsaken you Mr Morgan

Gareth Morgan writes a post that’s, frankly, beneath him.

He rants against those he calls “climate deniers”. Though he’s shown in the past he makes efforts to be informed, in this article he recklessly misrepresents the sceptical position. Well, that’s a charitable interpretation; it’s more likely that he is trying to marginalise the sceptics. It’s pathetically easy to show he’s wrong (give me a minute on that). Continue Reading →

Views: 2951

More solar panel subsidies die

solar panels

Waste of money in Spain, USA, Britain and Germany and now Australia

Aussie solar panels suck money from the poor and hand it to the rich

• Adapted from The Australian (behind paywall) – H/T John McLean

The cost of climate-change-inspired subsidies to boost the installation of rooftop solar systems has forced consumers who don’t have solar panels (the poor people) to pay $14bn to the rich people who do, but the Aussies are coming to their senses.

With 1.4m households having solar panels, Australia has the highest proportion in the world of households with solar panels, but the ill-advised subsidies that allowed them, plus presumably their marketing, outweigh any good they do by $9 billion. Unbelievable. Continue Reading →

Views: 1102

Stakes on climate change are indeed too high to keep silent

But not in the way the Herald means it.

Phillip Mills and Barry Coates, like good zealots everywhere, loyally maintain the view pushed down our throats by the IPCC that we need to reduce our emissions “to meet the aim of limiting global temperature rise to 2°C.”

They say they can’t stay silent, as the stakes are too high. I actually agree, but they’re thinking nobly of the whole world. I see the stakes a little differently. We’re just a small country and I want to know how much it could cost. Continue Reading →

Views: 68

Assisting the Minister fight the climate

Setting New Zealand’s post-2020 climate change target

Submission to MfE by Climate Conversation Group

Sent today, 20 May 2015

It is a great irony that you should call this a “climate change” target, for the science tells us New Zealand doesn’t change the climate. It is a fact that, were we to reduce our emissions even to zero, thus achieving the greatest possible reduction, though destroying our entire productive capacity, there would be no resulting change in the average global surface temperature. Continue Reading →

Views: 471

Here’s a good news feed

Daily Media Review – New Zealand and International News

New Zealand and international news, opinion, and blog articles.

Source: Daily Media Review – New Zealand and International News

I came across this new web site a few days ago. It provides a daily selection of New Zealand and overseas stories that seem intended genuinely to inform rather than merely to entertain—certainly it so far avoids the usual left-wing hysteria on climate change, for example. Continue Reading →

Views: 42

I don’t give a fig about UN climate head’s anti-commerce crusade

Australia will have to move away from coal, UN climate head says

UNFCCC headquarters

The UNFCCC headquarters in Bonn, Germany, is a large and imposing building constructed with your taxes in the service of mankind in which Miss Figueres spends little time. um… She spends little time in either the building or the service of mankind, on the evidence I have.

Australia shares a similar challenge in moving away from coal as Saudi Arabia does in reducing its economic dependency on oil, the United Nations’ top climate negotiator says. Speaking at a conference in Melbourne on Wednesday, Christiana Figueres drew a parallel between Australia and the oil kingdom as countries that would need to diversify their economies as the world grapples with global warming.

Source: Australia will have to move away from coal, UN climate head says – h/t WUWT

In March she was in the Philippines revving up the troops to fight global warming. Continue Reading →

Views: 313