Here’s a good news feed

Daily Media Review – New Zealand and International News

New Zealand and international news, opinion, and blog articles.

Source: Daily Media Review – New Zealand and International News

I came across this new web site a few days ago. It provides a daily selection of New Zealand and overseas stories that seem intended genuinely to inform rather than merely to entertain—certainly it so far avoids the usual left-wing hysteria on climate change, for example.

The Daily Media Report (DMR) appears to wade through the dross selecting the pearls, to save us the trouble (God bless ’em). It includes opinion pieces and editorials covering points of view outside the usual mainstream offerings. It featured Bob Jones in fine form on ‘ponytailgate’ which I enjoyed immensely.

The simple, attractive site provides a convenient list of links to original articles, without comment, but with more careful discernment than in a Google search for a topic, thus keeping out hysterical riff-raff of all stripes and ensuring we get properly informative stories.

Selecting them must be hugely time-consuming, but the more hits this new site gets, the more it will tell the hard-working owner that people value it.

I wish the proprietor all the best of good luck.

Views: 42

2 Thoughts on “Here’s a good news feed

  1. Mike Jowsey on 08/05/2015 at 5:44 pm said:

    Like it. Thanks RT. Added to my speed dial.

  2. Alexander K on 09/05/2015 at 4:48 pm said:

    Good find, RT.
    I will make this a part of may daily media diet.

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