Renwick’s alarmist climate claims

UPDATE BELOW 18 June 20201

A Stuff article on Saturday by Amber-Leigh Woolf, Climate change accelerating but people can help change a world crisis, scientist says, quotes Prof James Renwick, who mentions a couple of hitherto unknown and surprising aspects of global warming.

The Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences professor said people were right to worry about the world’s future because the rate of climate change was accelerating. Climate change was affecting an ecosystem which had been in place for tens of thousands of decades, and could be destroyed within 40 years.

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Views: 343

Stuff and nonsense

This would have been better published promptly (sorry!), but even tardy is better than never.  — RT

This extraordinary recent headline is still visible online, published by Stuff over the name of one Charlie Mitchell, journalist:

Charlie Mitchell

By asking for evidence of climate change, a council is neglecting its duty

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Views: 494