Cautionary Australian tale of real genius

New Zealand politicians should heed the expense and disruption being caused in Australia by the green environmental agenda and the UN’s sham battle against benign, entirely natural global warming. Much of the climate farrago is soaked in the fiction that natural resources are free—but we can be certain that the labourers, tradesmen, managers and shareholders in the solar panel and windmill industries would refuse to work for nothing, just as workers in the ‘free’ coal, oil and gas industries don’t work for nothing. – RT

Australian heavy industry

Back in the chaotic dying days of the Whitlam-Cairns-Connor government, Canberra was buzzing with Rex Connor’s grand plans for a national energy grid and gas pipelines linking the NW Shelf to the capital cities, all to be funded by massive foreign loans arranged by a mysterious Pakistani named Khemlani. Malcolm Fraser staged a parliamentary revolt. The economy slumped. Continue Reading →

Views: 208

New Greens

Victoria University of Wellington is to quit its modest investments in fossil fuel.
“The University recognises that the world is still reliant on the fossil fuel industry and the intent of this decision is not to vilify responsible companies in the sector. The University [wants to align] its investment decisions with the results of its scientific research and its public stance on climate change,” said vice-chancellor Grant Guilford.

In other news
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Views: 78

Green human settlements

We’ve been “settling” for a long time, of course, but now the Green Party wants to improve our settlements.

Though we call them villages, towns and cities, the Greens go back a bit and refer to them as “settlements” as though we’re still pioneers in a virgin landscape.

This is their latest message to me, from Julie Anne Genter, Green Party MP:

Kia ora Richard [this is a Maori greeting—either they assume that I’m unable to understand English, or they signal a Luddite philosophy – RT]

We have an incredible opportunity to create ecologically sustainable, fair and thriving human settlements through good policy. Continue Reading →

Views: 111