It’s about time to review the evidence for man-made global warming

From my colleague and good friend John McLean, of Melbourne, comes a penetrating discussion about evidence that’s long been missing from science, let alone the unmoderated disputes in the global warming branch of science. His sixth paragraph is surgically astute. I will have a contribution in this area ready soon. – RT

— by Dr John D. McLean
first published at American Thinker on March 27, 2019

American Thinker

Some people seem to think man-made global warming has been proven. Others believe there’s no evidence that man-made warming exists. Neither is correct. Evidence exists, but, as people familiar with courts of law will know, what’s submitted as evidence is not automatically proof. Continue Reading →

Views: 488

Hot Topic cites Cook’s lies, both happy

Leyland and Carter: the rebuttal that isn’t and the hypocrisy that is featured Gareth Renowden (GR) purporting to rebut Leyland and Carter (L&C) in their article Right of reply – Responding to Hot Topic, which was in turn a response to Renowden’s blog post (mirrored on SciBlogs) containing typically ad hominem-filled attacks on a scientific analysis by one sceptical engineer and a sceptical scientist.

In that “Dom Post failed its readers” blog post GR contributes a vapid series of mis-statements, diversions and lies which I won’t bother with.

But then he quotes L&C in their original Dominion Post article Hypothetical global warming: scepticism needed which got me properly annoyed: Continue Reading →

Views: 92