Letters to the Editor

There are important lessons here for New Zealand and now, with National and ACT in the driving seat, maybe we’ll juice up our defence spending? Is there an appetite for that? Let me know in the comments.

Green, powerless, defenceless

31st October, 2023

by Viv Forbes with help from friends
Washpool, Qld 4306, Australia

As net zero strangles Australian industry, Australia is becoming green, powerless and defenceless.

History holds lessons that we ignore at our peril. Japan was opened to trade with the US in the 1850s. They were daunted by the naval power of Britain and the US but were determined to catch up.

In the 1930s Japan attacked China, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia and Hitler planned how to avenge WW1 in Europe. Britain’s PM Chamberlain negotiated with Hitler and proclaimed he had achieved “Peace in our Time”.

But Churchill warned:

Britain must arm. America must arm. We will surely do it in the end but how
much greater the cost for each day’s delay.

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Views: 82

Letters to the Editor

Digital Handcuffs

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Viv Forbes reminds us that passports were never compulsory but a sought-after luxury that made travel smoother. Thus he highlights how we’ve become accustomed (oh, how slowly) to their necessity. In this, he reminds us that travel documents were everywhere introduced not by western democratic governments but by dictators. We would do well to be warned that the proposed COVID passports will be prevented only by the pinpricks of thousands of people refusing to use them. Nothing else will persuade the bureaucrats that travel documents are more trouble than they’re worth. Though even after they see the next election won by conservatives they’ll probably still not consider them anti-democratic. — RT

23rd May 2021

A passport was once highly valued by travellers, but it was not compulsory. Signed by the sovereign, it said: “The bearer of this passport has my protection. He is free to travel anywhere. Do not pester him (or her).”

Gradually passports became compulsory bureaucratic tools to control and track international travellers. Continue Reading →

Views: 250

Letters to the Editor

Mother Nature’s mighty batteries

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25th April 2021

The World Climate Conference is spreading a Green Virus – they must be gagged for our safety.

The Biden-Boris green virus which infects most of the west has become a danger to Australia. PM Morrison has promised to sink a billion dollars in “hydrogen, CCUS (carbon capture use or storage), batteries and critical minerals” — to achieve “net zero”.

NONE of these green dreams will produce one light-bulb of new energy — they  will actually require massive inputs of energy and cash. Continue Reading →

Views: 110