Recent web traffic: THANK YOU

A big thank you to all our visitors for pushing up our traffic numbers. We’re delighted to see so many people (in New Zealand and overseas) curious about climate and policy.

October traffic to noon on 20th — click to enlarge.

You made 1560 visits per day from 520 sites — over 10,000 unique sites for the month. That’s over 56,000 hits per day for over 1,130,000 hits in the month to date — impressive.

Views: 11

2 Thoughts on “Recent web traffic: THANK YOU

  1. Kleinefeldmaus on 23/10/2020 at 9:45 am said:

    While this is not strictly a climate change matter, I am moved to comment on the recent passing of Nils-Axel Morner. He will be familiar to all readers of this blog. Christopher Monckton wrote a beautiful lullaby in his memory. I feel that it may be appreciated here to pause for a few minutes to listen to this, entitled ‘Laughing Angels’.
    Christopher Monckton’s tribute to Nils-Axel Morner

    • Richard Treadgold on 12/11/2020 at 10:42 am said:

      Yes, thank you, Kleinefeldmaus. We especially mourn the passing of scientists known for dispassionate judgement, and thanks for the link to Christopher’s musical tribute—it’s singularly melodious and whimsical.

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