Revere science and crush the enemy

Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. - Sun Tzu

Yes, it’s about the science, so study science. But only so we can crush the enemy.

The enemies of society create an unscientific approach to climate policy. The bad science annoys us, but the real cause is the bad people, not the bad science. Sure, we must pay attention to the science and get it right, but our enemies will continue to irritate us until they are crushed.

Victorious strategies

  1. Learn the truth in fearless search.
  2. Practise patient persuasion of the honestly deceived.
  3. Know the enemy is soaked in socialism.
  4. Resolve not to persuade but to crush the enemy.

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4 Thoughts on “Revere science and crush the enemy

  1. Cambridgedon on 11/07/2020 at 4:44 pm said:

    The scientists who volunteer for the IPCC reports are amongst the best.

    You don’t like the conclusions – simple as that.

  2. Richard Treadgold on 11/07/2020 at 6:05 pm said:

    Amongst the best? Perhaps. But they put out bad science. Pay attention.

    • Cambridgedon on 12/07/2020 at 4:23 pm said:

      Bad science? Not as judged by the scientific community.

      Who better to produce science than scientists?

      You don’t want science, you want to avoid reality.

      Yes, science is from scientists. How then do you explain the failure of the UN IPCC to acknowledge the thousands of contrary papers over the last 30 years that question the whole or part of their narrative? It has all come from scientists, but clearly not recognised as science by the dissembling pretenders leading our climate fight — simply brushed under the carpet.

      Bad science means the lack of explanation of how human emissions dangerously warm the earth; bad science is never questioning the UN IPCC climate narrative. You could question it yourself, send the Secretariat an email. Perhaps you know the evidence, so you don’t feel the need to question them. In that case, what is it?

      Science means ‘knowing’; science is reality. – RT

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