TV One sinks into climate swamp – Friday

CLOUDS – water vapour (think steam); non-polluting, non-toxic, form on micro-particles, make fantastic animals and shapes

• Guest post •

— by John McLean

TV One managed to plumb new intellectual depths last Friday when it tried to associate photo-chemical smog and micro-particle emissions in urban areas with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It frequently displayed images of real air pollution. Continue Reading →

Views: 601

TVNZ’s medley of climate nonsense – Thursday

Drought — the big dry

• Guest post •

— by John McLean

TV One’s great “climate change” campaign continued last Thursday, featuring a medley of nonsense about “extreme events” and New Zealand’s future scorching temperatures before sounding off about Donald Trump’s foolishness in withdrawing the USA from the Paris Climate Agreement. As we have come to expect, TVNZ was wrong on each point. Continue Reading →

Views: 656