Engineers make things happen

UPDATE — John Cook cited

Complaint lodged over breach of Professional Engineers Act

This is brilliant and simple: attack climate activists when they trespass on forbidden areas.

I’ve just heard about this from Warwick Hughes. There’ll be more, by the sound of it. Malcom Roberts has laid a complaint with the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland regarding academics giving professional engineering advice though they are not registered engineers.

Fascinating. Malcom Roberts’ covering letter included these remarks.

Please refer to the accompanying complaint about the behaviour of Professor Ove Hoegh-
Guldberg who has apparently been providing engineering advice constituting an
engineering service. He has been doing so despite having no engineering qualifications
and not being a registered professional engineer in Queensland.

In researching this complaint I discovered that A/Prof. Malte Meinshausen and Dr. Chris
Taylor have similarly provided engineering advice constituting engineering services.

I am particularly concerned that in the course of providing their advice and service in
engineering topics all three have repeatedly contradicted fundamental empirical evidence.

As you know, engineers rely on empirical data because every day billions of people’s lives
and prosperity depend on engineering advice. Sadly, eight years of independent
investigation lead me to ask what has happened to our country and to science?

Engineers make things happen. It’s not a remote possibility that this action could bring public servants to their senses over man-made global warming.

Read the details of Malcom’s complaint at his website.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE 10:15 pm 27 Oct 2015

John Cook cited

Malcom’s complaint includes John Cook, of Skeptical Science.

My complaints to the UQ Chancellor advise of apparent breaches of the Queensland Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 as a result of statements and behaviour from the Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Høj, Professor Hoegh-Guldberg and from John Cook who works under the supervision of Professor Hoegh-Guldberg.

Views: 94

2 Thoughts on “Engineers make things happen

  1. Andy on 28/10/2015 at 8:36 am said:

    It is a bit of poetic justice for “climate scientists” to get a taste of their own medicine after lecturing us that no one is qualified to discuss climate science other than them.

  2. Richard Treadgold on 28/10/2015 at 9:15 am said:

    Absolutely. Also, I get the feeling there’s a lot more steel in the engineers (no pun intended) when facing opposition. Which is probably a direct result of working with known facts, not theories. Unless the warmists find some way to quickly bury this they will find their paradise losing its rosy glow.

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