Still working on fixing the site within the continued exigencies of domestic life. My continued apologies.
UPDATE 26 May 11:34 NZST
I’m in communication with Houston, sorry, I mean the WordPress forums, and I’m hopeful a solution is near.
UPDATE 26 May 16:09 NZST
Really frustrating that short posts are possible but not decently lengthy ones. Suspect it’s a scripting problem. Waiting on reply from support volunteers who I think are asleep.
Views: 389
But you can post and we can comment?
That’s right. Weird, isn’t it? But I can post only a few words. Anything of a decent length and I cannot even preview it—it disappears (very frustrating). I’ve been busy with domestic business over the weekend, but I’m still working on the problem.
I’m in communication with Houston,
the guys at Big Oil?
I don’t trust them, I am still waiting for my cheque
What a coincidence, so am I! 🙂
Check the latest over at Chiefio’s
The HS commentary:
“A forthcoming paper published in Progress in Physics……….”
“Dr. Robitaille shows prior work from Hottel et al demonstrating that the emissivity of both of these greenhouse gases decrease with temperature [i.e. they become less of a ‘greenhouse gas’ as temperatures increase], the opposite of the climate science assumption that greenhouse gases increase emissivity and absorptivity with temperature.”
# # #
I don’t think this particular progress in physics will be welcomed among a certain clique of “progressive” climate scientists.
>”prior work from Hottel et al”
The progress started long ago. Also Leckner and others, from where Prof Eggert compiled this:
Also see this paper:
N. Lallemant*, A. Sayret and R. Weber
One wonders how long before this physics, developed originally by combustion engineering (i.e. heat), will seep its way into climate science?
Slowly probably, if the “progressive” gatekeepers of climate science have their way.
“From the “Oh Dear!†department of unsettling science…”
Oh Dear! indeed.
>”this physics, developed originally by combustion engineering”
The heat transfer characteristics of CO2 being known and applied well before that too:
‘The Rise and Fall Of Carbon Dioxide Systems’
The First Century Of Air Conditioning
CO2 in the 19th Century
In the ASHRAE book Heat and Cold: Mastering the Great
Indoors, the historical use of carbon dioxide as a refrigerant is
explained as follows:
Carbon dioxide (also known as carbonic acid gas and
carbonic anhydride) was first proposed as a refrigerant
for vapor-compression systems by Alexander Twining,
who mentioned it in his 1850 British patent. Thaddeus
S.C. Lowe experimented with carbon dioxide for military
balloons in the 1860s and recognized the possibilities
of using it as a refrigerant. He went on to build
refrigerating equipment obtaining British Patent 952
in 1867 and erected an ice machine about 1869 at Jackson,
Miss. He also constructed a machine on board a
ship for the transport of frozen meat in the Gulf of Mexico.
Lowe did not develop his ideas further.
Carl Linde also experimented with carbon dioxide when
he designed a machine for F. Krupp at Essen, Germany,
in 1882. W. Raydt received British Patent 15475 in 1884
for a compression ice-making system using carbon dioxide.
British Patent 1890 was granted to J. Harrison in
1884 for a device for manufacturing carbon dioxide for
refrigerant use. Still, the use of carbon dioxide really
did not advance until Franz Windhausen of Germany
designed a carbon dioxide compressor, receiving British
Patent 2864 in 1886. WindhausenÂ’s patent was purchased
by J&E Hall of Great Britain, who improved it,
commencing manufacture about 1890. HallÂ’s carbon
dioxide machine saw widespread application on ships,
replacing the compressed air machines theretofore used.
Carbon dioxide machines were used universally on British
ships into the 1940s, after which they began to be
displaced by chloroflourocarbon refrigerants. In the
U.S., carbon dioxide was used successfully beginning in
the 1890s for refrigeration and in the 1900s for comfort
cooling. Its principle advocate in the U.S. was Kroeschell
Bros. Ice Machine Company, which manufactured systems
under patents purchased from the Hungarian Julius
>”comfort cooling”
Not a term we see used much nowadays in conjunction with carbon dioxide – and especially not in AGW lectures.
Of course, what you could do in the meantime is make a post with just the title, then put the content into the first comment. 😉
Ha, ha. You know, at times I wonder at my deep stupidity, and at other times I congratulate myself on my superior intelligence. At those latter times it often happens that some friend, such as your good self, will inform me that both kinds of times are identical for there is never a reason to congratulate myself and therefore I should always wonder at my stupidity. Only thus might I have a slim chance of not yet again falling victim to it. Thank you. Your plan is so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a ferret. Weasel. However before putting it to use, I’ll try once again to install WordPress afresh. Wish me luck.
What actually happened? Did you install an upgrade or patch?
Nah, Andy, I did nuffin’, I tell ya, nuffin’ at all. The same thing happened three weeks ago but after a night’s sleep it was back to normal without my changing anything. That was perhaps triggered by an upgrade an hour or so before the trouble began, though the spontaneous remission is mysterious.
Anyway, I was about ready to replace all the files but the precautionary download to my machine has mysteriously abandoned its task and I must start it again…
Just wondered if you keep a rough count of comments caught as spam.
Starting before the 20th comments caught in the spam list built over a couple of weeks to around 100 per day – then post 20th with odd days near 200 – today has seen 365 in about 75% of the day – I ponder is this phenomena a sort of www wide tide of rubbish – or is it targeted at my site?
Does anybody know or have any observations to add?
>”I ponder is this phenomena a sort of www wide tide of rubbish”
Yup, if my email spam filter is anything to go by lately.
Thanks for the question, Wazsah! It’s a nice easy diversion from backups and databases. Worldwide, spam seems to account for about two-thirds of all email messages. As to the trend in spam, it’s been going down for about the last year but spiked this month from 50 billion to 170 billion messages per day.
The CCG gets a lot of spam (some of it masquerading as legitimate AGW argument 😉 , heh, heh!). Akismet deals with it brilliantly and keeps statistics on what it’s been doing. I see I installed it nearly five years ago, in which time it has successfully arrested 1,833,100 spam messages, let 26,000 legitimate mails go about their business, missed 2220 spam mails and falsely marked 56 mails as spam, for an accuracy in this installation of 99.91%.
For a long time I diligently read through the arrested mails looking for legitimate messages but they soon became too numerous and the discrimination too accurate to bother with them. Over the last 60 days we’ve received 320,732 at up to 5600 per day at a daily average of 5345.
If you don’t tell Akismet (once you trust it) to delete the worst of the spam as it’s detected, you must delete them periodically yourself, and you will lose space from the database table which must be “repaired” to recover the space. In my case, the “lost” space quickly adds up to around 150 MB or more, so I had to delete the spam frequently. Now, it’s not so quick to build up, but I should get a plugin to do it for me.
‘Dr. Jean-Louis Pinault explains his idea about global climate forcing and his experience with climate politics’
Posted by Denis Rancourt
Dr. Pinault was met with sufficiently significant resistance from the dominant scientific cabal, know as “peer review”, to decide to concentrate on writing a book, rather than fighting reviewers and spineless and lazy editors (my words). In his book he both explains his science ideas and exposes the scientific censorship which has frustrated him. His book is “From the melody of the oceans to climate change: a fight against ostracism”, and was just released on May 10, 2014.