Monckton debate still on

This event is over.

Entrance fee more than halved

The Public Relations Institute of NZ (PRINZ) has thrown in the towel, quitting their promised hosting of Christopher Monckton’s Auckland debate on Thursday night.

The event will still proceed, however, with the Climate Realists taking over — and lowering the entry fee to less than half!

PRINZ caved in under a torrent of criticism and sheer abuse from members of the public incensed at the thought their opinions would be opposed. Shame on them. PRINZ claim the criticism was not the reason for cancelling their involvement in the Auckland meeting, instead citing low sales so far. We can draw our own conclusions. They are still hosting the Wellington meeting.

Television stations pull out

The major television shows Q&Q and Closeup, after asking to interview Lord Monckton, have pulled out, citing the Green Party’s change of heart and claiming no “opponent” could be found.

Why they need an opponent I cannot imagine. They manage to interview most people without wheeling in an opponent.

This will result in diminished public understanding, because most people would hear about Monckton’s contrary views only when the mainstream media carry them.

Beat the barbarians, create freedom

If you’re reading this, you’re privileged! Pass on this privilege to your contacts and ask them to do the same. Let’s beat the naysayers at their own game. Don’t complain about the freedom we want — just create it!

Meeting details

Thursday 4th August
5:00 pm (for 5:45 pm) – 7:45 pm — Public meeting and debate

This event will take the form of a discussion of man-made global warming issues between climate change skeptic Viscount Christopher Monckton, a British hereditary peer, journalist and businessman, and University of Auckland atmospheric physicist Professor Geoff Austin.

venue: Lecture Theatre AF116, AUT Akoranga Campus, Akoranga Drive, Northcote, North Shore.

time: 5:00 pm for 5:45 pm – 7:45 pm

contact: door sales only. Be early.

cost: $20.00

campus map: download a map of the AUT Akoranga campus

Don’t be late. The venue is a fairly good size, but interest is tremendous. The lunch at the Northern Club sold out in just two days, so be early!

Views: 91

34 Thoughts on “Monckton debate still on

  1. Bob D on 02/08/2011 at 6:32 pm said:

    Who’s coming to this? I’ll be there, with a mate of mine. Also at the lunch. Richard T, I take it I’ll see you there in the evening.
    We should catch up for some drinks afterwards, methinks. And anyone else who wants to join in. Some good pubs in Takapuna, last time I checked. Unless there’s one close to AUT (seems likely).

    • Andy on 02/08/2011 at 6:47 pm said:

      I am coming to the evening debate. My mobile is 021 645 731 if you want to text or ring me

      It would be great to catch up for a drink afterwards and meet you all

    • Bob D on 02/08/2011 at 6:53 pm said:

      Sweet, will do. I’ll be there early.

  2. Yes, I’ll be there. Planning to arrive about 4:30 to be sure of a ticket, and I’ll hang around in a conspicuous manner to greet people I recognise. My mobile is 027-534-0641.

    I very much want to meet everyone there who’s part of the Climate Conversation. If I don’t know you, please introduce yourself. I know Bob D, and I’ve seen pictures of Andy, but others will have to make themselves known.

    Here’s a picture of me with my wife Ann at the WordShine site — click for a larger version.

    I’d particularly love early members of the Climate Conversation Group to come along and have a chat. Bob’s right, there are lots of nice pubs we could go to in Takapuna afterwards. Maybe even Lord M might be keen for a droplet after his thirsty work.

    • Bob D on 02/08/2011 at 8:25 pm said:

      Here’s a picture of me with my wife Ann

      Gee, bow tie and all. Didn’t recognise you at first!

  3. Andy on 02/08/2011 at 8:56 pm said:

    A quick cut n paste from Ken Shock via Facebook on this topic:

    Dear Climate Realists,
    I was tempted to put as the subject header for this email ‘Declaration of war’ but felt that might be a little strong.
    However I feel it is time to let you all know some of the things that have been going on behind the scenes, as we have sought to arrange Lord Monckton’s visit to New Zealand.
    We have had very strong interest from a number of media people including the TV programs Q&A and CloseUp- but they have cancelled- why?

    Because they could find no one to provide an alternative view to Lord Monckton’s.

    PRINZ, having volunteered to host two of the public events, has received an overwhelming barrage of negative publicity for their gall in allowing someone whose opinions are perceived as being ‘outside the politically correct mantra’ to speak in public.
    PRINZ hunted far and wide to find someone to oppose Monckton in a debate and was unable to find anyone willing to front up.

    PRINZ was prepared to continue and turn the debate into a ‘discussion’, but the vitriolic hatemail continued to such an extent that PRINZ has now made the decision to pull out of the Auckland event, and we, the CLIMATE REALISTS have taken over the arrangements.

    The Wellington event will still go ahead unchanged.
    PRINZ will refund those who have already bought tickets to the Auckland event.

    There are therefore now some changed details for the Auckland event:

    VENUE- unchanged -Lecture theatre AF116 AUT, Akoranga Drive, Takapuna

    TIME- unchanged- 5.00pm for a 5.45 start, evening ends at 7.45pm

    SPEAKERS- unchanged- Lord Monckton and Prof Geoff Austin

    $20 per person, $5 for students and children.
    DOOR SALES ONLY, no tickets will be sold. Cash or cheque, no credit cards please.

    REVISED Refreshments:
    No refreshments will be provided.



    PLEASE HELP publicise this AUT event. 5pm, Thursday 4th August.
    Everyone who has a website, a Twitter or Facebook connection or an email distribution list is asked to spread the word.
    The business luncheon sold out in two days and has a long waiting list of people hoping for a cancellation.
    This AUT event is cheaper and the venue larger, – we know it can be filled if people know what’s happening. Let them know!


    Tonight the organisers of the business luncheon with Lord Monckton on Thursday have also received some very strongly worded correspondence questioning their integrity in hosting Lord Monckton and urging them (pressuring them!) to cancel.

    People, this is horrific!!!
    What has happened to free speech in New Zealand?

    We would like to urge every single one of you who is concerned about what is going on here, to contact Close Up
    and Q&A:​news/q-got-feedback-256884​9 for a web form or email direct:
    and challenge them about their decision not to interview Lord Monckton.

    Did Jim Salinger, Gareth Morgan, Rod Oram, Martin Manning, James Renwick, Kevin Trenberth, James Hansen….(think of anyone else you’ve heard prating the AGW mantra) need someone to present an alternative perspective before they were reported in the mainstream media?

    We strongly believe Lord Monckton has a right to be heard. And we believe the public of New Zealand has a right to hear him and make up their own minds. There are an amazing number of accusations flying around the internet about Christopher Monckton. Here is a quote from one of our members who shall remain anonymous:

    Until this week, I thought Christopher was a rather obscure eccentric Englishman, with a keen interest in mathematics and climate change and a talent for entertainment.

    Now, after dredging through endless pages of biography by Greenpeace, Bickmere, Abraham, etc, I’ve discovered that he is an international celebrity of huge importance. Whole libraries have been written about his exploits; newspapers and bloggers record his every move and mood; scholars minutely analyze his spoken word, correspondence, logo, status, etc; activist groups mobilise at his approach.

    Seldom does little New Zealand (let alone XXXXXXXXX club members) have the opportunity to hear directly from an orator capable of generating such controversy and excitement on the world stage.

    We need to get out there and let people know that we have a right to doubt- we have a right to be skeptical about everything we are spoonfed by the media, and having just witnessed what manipulation goes on behind the scenes, we need to call the media to account and demand balanced reporting and open debate.

    Whangarei event with Lord Monckton:

    2pm Saturday 6th August
    Northland Events Centre, Okara Drive, Whangarei
    $20, door sales only

    For information contact Hugh or Pauline Rose 09 4391570 or mob 0274391572
    If you live somewhere near Whangarei and would like to help publicise this event please email Hugh Hugh Rose for a flyer which he can email through to you.

    Hi Neil and Esther
    Just wondered whether there were any climate realists from Mid Canterbury heading to Lord Monkton’s debate or public speeches and if you could please put me in touch with them.
    Our boundary in Mid Canterbury ranges from the Rangitata and Rakaia Rivers –south of Christchurch and North of Timaru/Temuka.

    Kind Regards
    Lance Isbister
    Ashburton Guardian
    Rural Reporter
    Lance Isbister

  4. Andy on 02/08/2011 at 10:45 pm said:

    Cameron Slater (WhaleOil) is on the case

    Wit­ness the cam­paign by var­i­ous inter­ested par­ties to try to silence Lord Mon­ck­ton from speak­ing in new Zealand. They have waged a very pub­lic cam­paign to ensure he doesn’t appear on any radio shows, they have bul­lied Close Up into not hav­ing him on the show and now they are try­ing to bully venues from host­ing functions.

    Cli­mate Change pro­tag­o­nists don’t want debate, they don’t want there to be any oppo­si­tion on their march to con­sen­sus, they want silence and obe­di­ence and will do any­thing to silence crit­ics. Wit­ness the use of call­ing peo­ple deniers to smear them with the atroc­ity of the holocaust.

    Right now there is a sim­i­lar cam­paign being waged in New Zealand and it appears it is being led by Mar­tin Tegg. He has writ­ten an appalling let­ter to the North­ern Club smear­ing Lord Mon­ck­ton exten­sively. This is noth­ing more than a pseudo-intellectual lynch mobs mas­querad­ing as the accept­able face of pub­lic opinion.

    Mar­tin Tegg, accord­ing to his Face­book account works for Auck­land City:

    Martin Tegg, paid by Auckland ratepayers, can be found on Twitter here!/martintegg

  5. Andy on 02/08/2011 at 11:05 pm said:

    Tegg’s letter to the Northern Club is here

    He actually only has about 14 Facebook “friends” and Twitter “followers: so maybe is worth ignoring but interesting to see the mouth frothing that this visit has initiated.

    • Mike Jowsey on 03/08/2011 at 12:52 am said:

      Thanks Andy – would like to delve into this further but that Scribd site is abysmal. None of the hyperlinks work, even when downloading the entire document. The layout in Internet Explorer is unreadable. Layout ok in Chrome, but again none of the links work, so all the claims are just hot CO2. Do you perchance have a copy with active hyperlinks?

    • Andy on 03/08/2011 at 7:47 am said:

      The link came from Slater’s blog, so I presume he has the original copy

  6. val majkus on 03/08/2011 at 11:48 am said:

    I’d love to come and tell everyone about the propoganda going on in Aust at the moment but I’ll be thinking of you

    Now the Govt are posting each of us letters spruiking its world including Great Barrier Reef saving carbon tax

    I might take a photo when the letter arrives and e mail it to Richard

  7. Peter Fraser on 03/08/2011 at 3:09 pm said:

    I suggest Federated Farmers be informed of the details of the Meeings in Auckland and Whangarei. I am sure they would have good networking facilities and the proposed inclusion of agriculture in the carbon tax fiasco in 2015 should insure some highly interested attendance.

  8. Andy on 04/08/2011 at 11:31 am said:

    NZ Herald on Monckton’s visit:

    UK climate sceptic finds no takers

    Climate scientist Jim Salinger said he was not available for the debate, but would have refused anyway: “I’m perfectly happy to discuss the science with someone who fully engages in the science and who is a scientist. But when you have someone who cherry-picks and changes the subject, it’s pointless.” Groups associated with Viscount Monckton’s tour have come under fire.

    Nice Strawman, Jim

    • Ron on 04/08/2011 at 12:15 pm said:

      Sigh. Kettle, black. Then we have Green Party spokesman Kennedy Graham saying there’s “no longer a debate about greenhouse gases”
      The climate change challenge is not being properly met if we continually relitigate the science, which has been largely settled by consensus globally. While we respect everybody’s personal view, there is no longer a debate about the science – it’s about how you handle it.
      Telling remarks. Graham’s science is settled by consensus, not empirical observations, critical analysis and falsifiable hypotheses. No mention of the ongoing controversies surrounding sensitivity, feedbacks, dodgy data, manipulated models and exaggerated claims….

    • Mike Jowsey on 04/08/2011 at 3:46 pm said:

      Sounds like exactly the sort of high-fallutin’ thing a Spanish Priest might have said of Galileo’s tenets. “There should be no debate about the matter. Everybody knows the sun revolves about Earth.”

      Or an English Bishop regarding Darwin, “Debate the man? Hmmph. I would not care to stand in the same room as a man who thinks I somehow grew from a monkey, let alone debate him.”

      Religious Crapola, mista Graham.

      (Well said Ron – Climategate is the gift that keeps on giving.)

  9. John on 04/08/2011 at 5:26 pm said:

    Is it permitted to video the event?

  10. Andy on 04/08/2011 at 9:50 pm said:

    I got along to the talk. It was interesting to meet quite a few young guys (20s) there who were quite active, making YouTube videos etc and quite switched on about the issues.

    Sorry I didn’t meet any of the crew – we’ll have to arrange a few beers another time. I am back in AKL in a couple of weeks

  11. I listened to most of Lord Monckton on Leighton’s show while I was at work yesterday – it was great.

    Why am I not surprised NZ media is trying to suppress the truth? After all, they have their UN marching orders to follow, don’t they.


    Let the sun shine on Lord Monckton’s truth while roaches who prefer the dark scuttle away by consensus.

  12. Andy on 06/08/2011 at 12:34 pm said:

    I just caught Monckton being interviewed on TV3’s The Nation by Sean Plunket.

    He also interviewed someone from the University of Auckland who made the claim that NZ would be one degree warmer in 20 years time, and that also there were no problems in the climategate issue.

    I was tempted to throw something at the TV.

    • Andy on 06/08/2011 at 1:33 pm said:

      Apparently, this TV show with Monckton is repeated at 8.30am tomorrow (Sunday)

    • Mike Palin on 07/08/2011 at 3:45 am said:

      “I was tempted to throw something at the TV.”

      Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.

    • Bob D on 07/08/2011 at 10:12 am said:

      Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.


  13. Andy on 07/08/2011 at 1:10 pm said:

    If anyone wants to see the Monckton interview on TV3’s the nation, I think it will come out on TV on Demand in a few days time.

    As for the Auckland talk, there was quite a good turnout. I don’t think there were any surprises in his talk, since I have seen his presentations a few times on video.

    There were quite a few interesting comments that Geoff Austin made. I was particularly interested in his remark that he had been involved in an IPCC review in his speciality area, namely clouds, and didn’t he agree with the IPCC’s conclusions
    Despite this, the IPCC refused to take him off the list of contributing authors, or make a statement about this lack of agreement. Richard Lindzen has made similar comments on this IPCC practice.

  14. Andy on 07/08/2011 at 8:06 pm said:

    Stephan Lewandowsky: Why scientists won’t debate Lord Monckton

    Published 5th Aug 2011

    100 comments so far

  15. Pingback: Is Monckton good value? | Open Parachute

  16. Andy on 11/08/2011 at 8:54 am said:

    There was a brief piece on National Radio’s afternoon show with Jim Mora that I caught driving home yesterday. A panel member was describing the “absolutely charming” Lord Monckton whom he had spoken to, and told us of the sell out venues.

    Apparently, the Northern Club had to turn away as many as it let in.

    They also all agreed that shutting down debate was a bad thing, and that the interview on The Nation (TV3) was fair and reasonable.

    I am sure this resulted in much mouth-foaming within certain elements of our society.

  17. Pingback: 140 FOI requests in one day! From one person! | Open Parachute

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  19. Anthropogenic Global Cooling on 17/08/2011 at 11:06 pm said:

    Poor Ken, looks like he has to rely on Climate Conversation to direct some charity visitors to his failed blog of hatred & malice. Perhaps he should ask himself why those that have made the mistake of visiting in the past don’t return.

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