Stop the ETS: send emails now & keep sending them

After posting your email, vote in our ETS poll.
After voting, sign the petition to suspend the ETS.
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The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is an unnecessary waste of effort and it will increase the cost of living for every household in the land. It starts by raising the prices of electricity and petrol by 5%. The purpose is to change the climate of the earth.

National seem intent upon launching the silly scheme on July 1st. There are about eight weeks to go.

Send an email expressing your opposition to this new tax to your local MP, to the Minister for Climate Change Issues (Nick Smith) and to the Prime Minister.

Write whatever you want to say, of course, but if you asked me to give you some idea of what to say, I would suggest this:

I oppose the ETS. I want you to delay, disable or defeat the ETS. If the ETS goes through in its present form with your support, don’t come crying to me when you don’t get re-elected next year, because I won’t be voting for you and I won’t care if someone else gets your seat.

It can’t hurt, can it? In fact, our emails could very well achieve what we want. Pass this on. Remember to write your own name in the email, where it says YOUR OWN NAME.

For an MP’s email address, go to the Members of Parliament page on the Parliamentary web site. There, you can download a pdf containing all the MP’s addresses.

As it happens, an MP’s address has the convenient form

and a minister’s address has the form

After your emails are sent, take a moment to add your name to the online petition to suspend the ETS organised by the NZ Centre for Political Research run by Dr Muriel Newman.

The more signatories, the greater the influence, so tell everybody.

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