Please listen to us Mr Key

It is significant that there are so many voices raised against the ETS.

a humorous ETS cartoon

Rodney Hide confirms this, saying that he has never received such a high level of public support on any other issue. He says Kiwis around the country are annoyed. They know there’s no need for an expensive ETS that will deliver no benefits whatsoever.

It behoves you to listen to us and very smartly do something about our concerns or next year you will find yourself back in the loneliness of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. Our ETS will do nothing for the environment, will diminish the budgets of hard-working families and will require a monstrous create-nothing bureaucracy.

In addition, though the ETS purports to be based on movements of carbon dioxide into and out of almost every large-scale process in the country, there is no way to measure such movements. If you don’t believe me, ask your officials; uptake and emission of CO2 are based predominantly on computer models.

Since it can’t be measured, everyone can overstate with impunity the quantities involved and has an incentive to do so. Fraud is rife in the overseas schemes and there’s no reason to think it won’t occur here, too.

Because of our power generation structure, even the price of renewable electricity will go up because of the ETS, giving windfall profits of millions of dollars to the generators.

It’s too much to pay; and we refuse to stroke the over-anxious egos of comfortable, middle-class, socialist greenies.

Pay attention: We don’t want an ETS.

Views: 339

2 Thoughts on “Please listen to us Mr Key

  1. Mike J on 28/04/2010 at 5:25 am said:

    A very interesting article here describing the wholesale collapse of AGW initiatives in global politics:

    Also, a bit of a giggle here on the Australian situation:

    Mister Key : ARE YOU LISTENING ???

    • Against that background, I find it astonishing to learn that US$603 has just been gambled on the future of carbon trading.

      One reason National wants our ETS up and running is to set up the trading part so forest owners can trade their little certificates. Not that it’ll do anything for the climate.

      I agree that the government really isn’t paying attention to the evidence from overseas of the destruction of belief in global warming and the deep reluctance among rulers to do anything about it. Only the ever-optimistic deep-pocketed money men are still pushing this boat out. But that fact alone should warn all reasonable people to pass no legislation that could help them.

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